
Read the previous participants' experience of Marie's talks

Hi Marie! I attended your lecture today at Risskov Gymnasium, and I really have to take my hat off for your incredible, well-formulated, humorous and, not least, hugely inspiring presentation! You have without a doubt kicked off the joie de vivre week in the best way possible! I really think that you seem like an incredibly cool girl and I was very inspired by your positive energy and joie de vivre! You really put things into perspective, and I will definitely take your positive mindset with me from now on in my life! Good luck with everything in your future! The most positive thoughts sent your way.

Andrea Grønbæk

Risskov Gymnasium

Hi Marie! I was at your lecture at VIA yesterday, and wow, it was so good! Both very interesting, educational, entertaining and incredibly moving. You have really made me start thinking about some things. With your passion for life, you have managed to pass something really special along to a great number of people - including myself. I sat there with tears in my eyes several times during the lecture - both tears of joy from hearing the funny stories you told but also because they moved me greatly. I’m actually just writing to say ‘thank you’, I think. Thank you so much for letting me feel something extremely special both during and after the lecture and for giving me a lot to think about. Your positive attitude towards life is infectious, and I’m so glad that I had the chance to listen in. Best of luck and best wishes. You are an amazing girl who deserves the best - hopefully even more years without fractures. Best regards, Lina

Lina Brøgger Knudsen

VIA University College Aarhus

The talk was deeply moving and as personal and under-the-skin as could be. Your personality expressed - through a visual narrative based on images and words - a true fighter with lots of joy and resilience. Despite broken bones, you dance on! For the first time at a talk, I ran out of words. She took me on an emotional rollercoaster - from a lump in the throat during the thoughtful moments, accompanied by tears in the eyes - to joyful laughter and smiles. What have I learnt from it? Well, everything! For instance, being grateful for even the smallest of moments and making it a joy in life. Create as many good memories as possible for the cloudy days. To experience pleasant situations in order to feel good, and not only when you have felt good. When it’s bad, it’s only temporary. Seeing opportunities instead of obstacles.

Sofia Sørensen

Open talk in Copenhagen

Marie Holm Laursen - Foredrag skole

Throughout 20 years, we have had many speakers, but there has never been a standing ovation before. This time, it happened because Marie Laursen impressed the crowd with an unparallelled talk that enchanted us and reached our hearts. Her way of handling injuries and problems, and not least her positive outlook on life, is something everyone can learn from.

Mads Møller Pedersen

Hadsten Rotary Klub

Marie talks openly, honestly, lovingly, humorously and wisely about the challenges in her life, and about the tools she uses to maintain her joy in life. For instance, Marie an excellent ambassador for the stoic message that it is not external circumstances that determine how you feel. It's what you make of it.❤️ Marie and I have known each other for a while - albeit at a distance - but we have never met. Thank you for a lovely, life-affirming talk. Thank you for the meeting and the subsequent chat, and thank you for the hugs. Because yes... even though Marie has "bones made of glass,” as she puts it herself, she would rather break a bone every once in a while from getting a hug than never get any hugs... 🤗 and that attitude is probably very indicative of her approach to life.

Poul Guldborg - Verdens Lykkeligste Mand

Open talk in Aarhus

Kis og Marie Holm Laursen

It was incredibly exciting to hear about your whole life, your challenges, dreams and drive. It was incredibly humorous, thought-provoking and not least educational. You are an extremely skilled communicator. I absorbed every piece of advice, as I myself am in a pretty tiresome situation with lots of negative thoughts. I have left your show with a positive awakening, a good laugh, and a certainty that everything will probably be good again, but that it is also okay to have a hard time! Especially the part about reaching out really made an impression. It's incredibly difficult, but hearing someone put it into words makes it easier to digest! So huge kudos to you! Thank you for a wonderful talk!

Laura Lysholt

Open talk in Aarhus

Hi Marie, I’m so lucky that I was in the audience at your very first lecture. I can only say that you are an amazing storyteller; you spoke honestly and straight from the heart about your everyday life. Everyone was deeply touched and full of admiration and respect for you, “you small/great cool person”. Look forward to following you via Facebook. May the wind always be in your sails.

Birgit Kristiansen

Aars Inner Wheel

A fantastic talk with the sweet Rullemarie - she really put things into perspective and explained the nuances of a true joie de vivre. What a jolly person - a lovely girl with a bright future <3 Wish you all the best.

Kristine Fiedel

Open talk in Aarhus

You are a good and sincere storyteller who is not afraid to give of yourself. You are a real live wire, and you share your experiences. A fantastic role model. Tina Sørensen

Tina Sørensen

Open talk in Aarhus

Marie Holm Laursen

You were incredibly good, Marie!!! It was an incredibly fun but also highly moving talk you gave. I am very touched by this and I think you are so cool! Good luck with your talks. I'm sure we'll see each other again. I support you fully. Keep doing what you’re doing and follow your dreams.

Jacob Overgaard

Open talk in Aarhus

Hi Marie, Your lecture was unforgettable. You managed an impressive overview with flying colours and described the many nuances of your life, which is not without its problems. I’ve followed you on Facebook, and I must say, you’ve come a long way!

Anna-Maria Rode

I was at one of your lectures. I kept thinking that you are a real live wire and that the rest of us can learn a lot from you, your courage and your zest for life. I found it really interesting to hear about you and your life. So thankful we have you :)

Ulla Schlùter

Marie Laursen - Foredrag

Thank you very much for your truly touching and inspiring talk. I think everyone left with your words about focusing on possibilities rather than limitations deeply ingrained in their minds. You’re a great motivator! I have great respect for your skills as a communicator.

Birgitte Hein Vrå

I remember the silence in the hall until you got going, using humour alongside realistic and honest talk, which showed that you also go to festivals and have worried parents like everyone else. It ultimately shows that inside, you are just like everyone else, but that your body challenges you. You certainly made a lasting impression, and it was quite relieving how you managed to make everyone see you and give a profound insight into your world.

Trine Worm Nissen

The Danish Design and Handicraft Boarding School

Book et foredrag med Marie Holm Laursen

Marie Holm Laursen doesn't just give talks on the joy of life. She IS living proof that our mental attitude towards things has a decisive importance for our joy in life, not only for ourselves - but also for the people around us. With her honest and straightforward way of communicating, we get very close to Marie's living conditions and her inspiring outlook on life. She gives us a new perspective on life – and shows us that it's not about how we feel – but what we make of it! Marie's basic attitude is exemplary, and at the same time, she also shows the vulnerability that we are all subject to. It is very powerful and makes a difference to those of us who get to meet Marie.

Eva Terp-Hansen

Nordjyllands Idrætshøjskole

Hi Marie In early February, you visited Støvring Gymnasium to hold a lecture on your illness. It’s something that I’ve thought about often since then. I was familiar with your story beforehand, but the story you told that day really had a big impression on me - but most of all, you, your being, made a big impression on me. You are such a lovely and thoroughly amazing girl, even though I don’t know you. Never before have I met such a positive and optimistic girl such as you, despite your illness and I really admire that. Your entire story touched me deeply, but as you yourself said, you have a beautiful life and you’ve learned to live with it. That was what made such a big impression on me. I hope that you’ll always preserve your incredibly positive attitude towards life, and that you keep being the amazing girl that you are. I would have liked to have told you that day, but I couldn’t get the words out because I was so touched (haha, me who was crying). I hope that you reach all of your goals in life and realise all your dreams. Hugs Anne

Anne Dalum Hernø Hansen

Støvring Gymnasium

Marie Laursen - Foredragsholder

If you are even vaguely considering going to Marie's talks, do NOT hesitate. She was so open and honest - we were told about both the joy of life but also the hardships, because those things are connected, just like dreams and doubts 🙂 All in all, a good and touching lecture, because deep down you could relate to some of the things she said - even though we’re all different. BUT we will all experience ups and downs throughout our lives. Thanks for you and your talk, Rullemarie.

Emma Frederikke Nielsen

Open talk in Aarhus

Hi Marie, Thank you for a super inspiring talk; you are enormously life-affirming. The thoughts get put in motion - things come into perspective. What a fantastic and infectious mood.

Thomas Strøm Schildt

Center for Familiy care

Marie gave an exciting talk full of zest for life and gave everyone some food for thought to take home. A talk that also included humour. When she finished, several participants stood up and thanked her with beautiful and moving words.

The network groups and self-help groups in Sønderborg

Marie Holm Laursen - Kendt fra TV2

‘HI!’ was the first thing that Marie said to her audience - a loud and clear ‘Hi.’ Of course, the audience said ‘Hi’ back in unison, and then began the most honest, passionate and ‘uplifting’ lecture you can imagine from the ‘little girl’ in the wheelchair. 
Fantastic, lovely, sweet, zest for life, unique and a superb storyteller are some of the words we on the board used when we talked to each other after the lecture - and we are definitely not the only ones who think so. 
We would all like to thank you for an unforgettable evening, and we wish Marie all the best in the future. 

Family and Society Djursland

Marie Laursen - Foredrag om livsglæde

Here at Olivia Denmark, we’ve had the pleasure of hosting one of Marie’s talks, and we found it very interesting! One of the things that makes Marie's talks stand out is the fact that she manages to be very direct and honest. She tells a lot of very personal stories, which make her presentation poignant, funny and touching - all at the same time! It is fascinating to hear her story and get an insight into how she tackles adversity time and time again, becoming ever stronger as a person. It is very thought-provoking and something everyone can learn from. Her joy of life is contagious and set many thoughts in motion for us. Here at Olivia Denmark, we would certainly recommend booking a talk with Rullemarie.

Alice Søndergaard I. Meyerhoff

Olivia Danmark

You can tell an honest and very personal story without becoming boring in any way. I love that you can talk to both children, adolescents and adults about something as serious as your illness and yet you do so with a humour and honesty that makes us really want to hear more and more about you. You talk about your good days and your bad days, but even the bad days don’t knock you out because of your cool zest for life which other people might sometimes take for granted - and we only have one life, so why not make the best of it? Thank you for your awesome lecture at the ‘Sjældne Diagnose’ (Rare Diagnosis) Day in Middelfart. I still have the photo of the two of us together!

Kathrine Lauridsen

Hi Marie Thank you for a great evening! It was a pleasure to (finally) hear your lecture, and you really shine. It was just so exciting. And you are so good.

Emma Nedergaard Justesen

Marie Holm Laursen - bestil et foredrag

Hi Marie It just so happens that I am lucky enough that I know you and have met you several times since you were born. And yet, it has been a great pleasure to hear your lectures where you honestly show how much you love life and also speak about your bad days. I was there at your very first lecture, and I have subsequently heard you speak again. Both times I went home with a great joy in my heart. Please keep going out and telling people about yourself and your life.

Jytte Farsinsen

On behalf of the course organizers, I would like to say that we are extremely grateful that you wanted to come. You were/are amazing, and the participants have only had positive things to say about you and the presentation. My warmest recommendations from here.

Jacob Ove Larsen

Marie Holm Laursen - Pigen med knogler af glas
Live life to the fullest

Book Marie as a speaker

Book a life-affirming lecture with Marie Laursen, who will inspire you to achieve the most joy in life here and now.

Marie Holm Laursen